Friday, October 08, 2004

Lessons Learned

He called. came over and I still don't know him. how can I after 4 days? I cannot read his faces and I don't know his non verbals at all. I hate and love this part of a relationship. I have a fastination with the beginnings though. It's interesting to see how slowly he goes. How boundaries are in place and how he repsects mine. He had a hard day yesterday and so did I. Long day. Ended around 3:30. I had so much to think about as I fell asleep last night. Questions that really sent me to strange places. I felt like I could see into my own soul from the outside. I learned such strange things from my past. Trust does not look the way I thought it did. Trust is very strange deal. I am just beginning to see this. What if this is about learning? What if we viewed life that way like Jen said yesterday? Growth(read two days ago). Let it be. let it be. let it be. let it be. seeking words of wisdom, let it be. Thank you John Lennon.

~Lessons learned today

~If at first he doesn't call, face the worst, think the best, do your most and leave the rest.
~If your unsure if the pool has water in it or not, don't jump head first.
~Be honest with yourself.
~Call on friends for help.

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