Friday, April 01, 2005

lightning and thunder storms

I must admit a love and an irrational fear of mine. I love lightning storms and I am deathly afraid of thunder storms. Where this fear comes from I am unsure but I have a memory way back in 2nd grade of one and my next door neighbors house. My baby brother cracking his head open and feeling more frightened than I ever have. It's not a memory any one else has though, so I wonder if it was a dream and obviously more than that...a nightmare that has never left me?
The origin of my love is also beyond me, but I ask the question...Is there anyone out there who doesn't love a lightning storm?
The other morning, I experienced both. Late in the afternoon the air gained an incredible charge. The tempurature dropped and the sky spoke of rain. Later that night/morning the clouds began to burst. The storm began with sparks...the type of awesome fury that lights up the entire night sky without bolts. And there I am, lying on my back throughly enjoying every minute of it! My body was responding in ways that you could only understand if you were there. Bolts illuminated the trees and gave everything a type of sexy shadow. Explosive visuals followed by darkness. Explosive thoughts followed by silence. Explosive moments of abandoned recklessness followed by tenderness and laughter. It was hours well spent!
One hour later while trying to drift off to sleep my body threw itself up off the couch in terror. A huge crash of thunder sent me spinning. My heart beat was intense. My fear was alive! As I tried to calm down I glanced at the couch and remembered the cozy place I was just at minutes before. My head took over and I laid back down only to be thrown again minutes later. BOOM! Then hail came. And wind. And sleep became something I was unable to obtain for more than minutes at a time.
What a contradiction. What a fear. But oh what a night!!!!

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