Saturday, April 23, 2005


there is something that is different about me. And, everyone is noticing it. A joy in my heart that remains not unexaplainable, but shared with those who ask. A spirit about me that makes people wonder. Everyone at work is curious. See cause they see me on an almost everyday basis. One of them keeps asking me if I got laid recently? that's all they have to chalk it up to. But, it is a new found love. A love for self. The peace I am seeing rejuvinate my soul is overwhelming. Decisions that are mine...based on my soul's longings. My soul's desires. I am so at peace right now.
It's hard too. My dad and I are really not seeing eye to eye. BUT, that's ok. Cause really, in the and I will be ok. I don't even begin to understand it and I'm really not into trying to all that much. Cause it's here. It's real. It's just a part of me. And it's not fake. It's me. I think even my kitten knows. She has been quite the skiddish little girl ever since I met her. But yesterday we touched. She let me love on her. Pet her. And right now as I type she's engaging me in a tickle fest. It's incredibly just what it is. May your life be full of peace, honor and love.
over and out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't get through by phone.

My heart is filled for you. What a huge gift it is to me to sit by and watch it all happen. The moments that it clicks. What a blessing it is... to see you accept what has always been true of who you are.


Mush Factor Complete.