Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The BellyButton of America

I'm here. I made it to Omaha...somewhere in middle America(singing, typing or saying that never gets old). I arrived around 6 pm monday night with almost a flawless trip. Saying goodbye or so long was tough, but I am amazed at my heart's feeling of freedom! Job hunting is the next thing on my list. My room is all put together and last night I slept quite well in the comforts of Kate and JD's basement. They really worked hard to make it so cute and cozy for me. It looks awesome! If you are in town, swing by! My roommatesViv and Jen will be coming through next week on their way to Colorado, Jim and Luke are coming through on their way to Colorado as well at the end of June, and David is coming fora visit on June 29th! Think I'm excited?!?! I have made and will post soon my list of things I want to do while in Omaha this summer. It's a GREAT list.
That's all I have to say for now kids. Where did all my creativity for blogs go? Down the shitter? Perhaps it got lost in the move?
Til I find it or just feel like sharing, laugh, love and live well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Aromaha, Kristen! Sometime this summer when you are out and about with your windows down...take a passing jaunt through the edge of Bellvue and the Dog Food plant will provide insight into "Aromaha"!

Fun times ahead. Volleyball, bartending, cookouts, etc...

It's good to have ya here, Girlie!