Tuesday, May 17, 2005

pics galour

Tori meet my blog world...
Blog world, meet Tori.
Tori's farwell
This is David's precious Tori. She's kinda won my heart over. I bought her a purple hippo to chew on. D let's her have supervised visits with it daily!
My Emmett's party was amazing. More to come tomorrow.
another try
Nice shot, aye?
There's more where that came from...way too many more.
Here's a little roommate fun.
The hair says it all
I like posting pics. you get to see what my life looks like, or at least some of it.
Emmett's kids gave me a cross last night. Want to see it?
my cross...
k, I have to go to bed.
I'll write more later.
Wrote more....
i became furious at your inability to see me tonight.
i wanted to vent and so i did.
it's as simple and as hard as this...
(viv said it perfectly)
we have to look for humanity.
where is this thing god loves most?

when i look through these tainted lenses,
i am unable to see clearly the picture you paint.

when i glance inwardly instead of all around,
i am unable to see the one sitting on the side of the road

when i scream above the crowds about my justice,
i am unable to hear the crys that made HIS heart bleed

quality of life.
where does it all go when we look at each other as finished?
i am hardly finished.
i love the best i can.
i surrender to the hurricane that holds my heart.
remind me of YOUR love.


Anonymous said...

check what out soon? i'm confused????


Anonymous said...

Girl, u deep.