Sunday, May 08, 2005

Poor Man's Lalapalooza

so there was so much to update about to post about but for some reason my lack of sleep is totally catching up with me and I'm struggling with what all to include.
~Thursday night:
Worked till about 10, then went over to Lamp Lighter's to sing some kareoke. Kirsten and Kristen (switch a letter around in our name and we're the same!) I got to sing with the DJ "Picture" Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock. It was fun and he said I could sing with him anyday. Woo hoo, I'm famous with a Kareoke DJ named BOB. DSCN0150
After Lamp's we headed over to Dirty Nellie's to catch our friend Eric in a Cinco de Mustache contest. He was dressed up in Latino garb from the Mexican Mega Super Outlet Store and has been growing a mustache for almost 2 weeks. It still wasn't that great but it was dirty and perfect for the evening! All of these pics are on my link, so go check it out.
As we were going out on the balcony you will never guess who I met. JORDAN KNIGHT of New Kids On The Block! He was there for a show that night that so many people had been making fun of. The ultimate Surreal Life/Has Been kind of Star Struck Awe came over me and I went over and asked for his autograph.autograph
It was embarrassing and silly and fun.
Here's the rest of the photos from that night....DSCN0159eric's cinco de mustache shot.
DSCN0157kareoke kids
cinco de swirly swirly mustache one side.
DSCN0166 skull and cross bones the other side
Let's just say, things have been coming to a close, but I'm having so much fun I don't know what to do with myself! Friday we celebrated the roomie Jen's b-day at Nellies. There was a great band playing called the Fabulous Janes. DSCN0176 why are men with make up on SO hot? He was wearing a skirt too...all of us we're drooling! There's a ton of new pics from Jen's b-day on there tootraci oh scroll through and have funjason jen and I. Plus, some of the nephews! DSCN0130YEAH....they were in town last Tuesday! Oh yeah, and Val and her babies.Valerie, her kids and ME They were here Sat. morning!
and last some of the kids at work...Ray and Rob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! so great to finally see the pics.
Val and her babies just makes me smile!!!