Thursday, March 30, 2006

today words came that blessed my heart.
and then i was the lucky one to bless another.
and this week i have had the gift of babysitting two little blessings, my nephews, while mom and dad went to relax and rejuvinate themselves.
I am tired.
I am shot.
But, I feel good.
My cough is lifting.
I am more real than I've been in such a long time.
The real me. Peas and pineapples and steak and gizzards and all...
I told a story the other day, about talking to God no matter what.
Screw quiet times. They are taught to us for a reason. But a relationship is not based on quiet times. If Ian and I took 15 mintues each day to just be together, it would be weird. We are together and we make time to talk to one another. But, we also talk throughout the day. It was awesome to see this persons response to a God who loves him that wants a relationship like that. His response was more love towards that God so, I give it a thumbs up.
It is good to know that love.
It is great to wrap yourself up in that love.
And, it is awesome to share that love.

Leave. Live. Love.

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