Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I find it ulitmately fasinating...

So. I'm looking at what happened a year ago this month. Using my blog, searching my e-mails, and in my life. And it's fasinating! But, I'm supposed to be writing a paper. I have a lot of questions that are unanswered. I have a lot of thoughts about things done. But, they say, only look back to gain perspective. I don't know if I agree. I don't know what I think about looking at your past. Learn from it...YES.
What do you think?

One thing I discovered is that I am not crashing much anymore. Like, there's a learned behavior that's very helpful. Knowledge of where I begin and where I end. So strange to say it, but it's getting more and more clear daily. This is what is most different this year than last.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


- Justin said...

To look back would have to be categorized into three categories... Ummm... yeah.

1. Look back on past mistakes/sins so that you have a clearer perspective going forward, but watch out if this creates shame that is from the devil.

2. Look back on the past to remember good times and re-experience joy, but be careful not to get too traped in the past that the future is not paid attention to anymore.

3. Look back in the past to see how much hope we should really put into the Cubs actually making it to the series, but be careful, because then you might miss history in the making! Go cubbies!

Anonymous said...

I think you should change your "About me". well, at least the beginning since its not your quote this is probably the most unorigional part of your blog & its probably the most important part. Maybe as a reflection change your "about me" once a year, especially as you grow through your twenties (there almost over!) Make your about me about you, Who you are, why you tick & whats at the bottom of you. If you don't know that leave it until you figure it out....

Just challenging you.....

And then