Friday, April 28, 2006

A poem for today

I sit in a place that is surronded by change.
My world.

Some of it induced,
some produced,
some refused.

but it's here.
and it's good.
and it's bad.
and I seem to be shifting.

I see this layer.
I see that one too...
but what I cannot seem to see right now,
is you.

I lack the desire to obey
cause I hear what it is that you have to say.

I want to run wild in the sand
with my toes warm
and my feet tan.

Or swim in a deep dark sea
where the bottom cannot reach me.
go back to my boat and sail today
to places unknown
and places far away.

I don't get it.
especially right now.
why I tower over some
and to others I bow.

Finish I will try.
endings and goodbyes.
for on the other side is a beginning.
but for what?
going after your desires is a scary scary thing.

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