I graduate from my Fire Fighter 1 class! I will be an official fire fighter after I take my final, pass and fight a car fire with my crew. Nothing to it folks...NOT! My final will be a beeeyyyatch and the car fire can get a little insane, but I will prevail. Two months worth of hard work coming to an end makes me very happy and a little sad. No more laughing out loud with Jim at our crew, or playing with hoses or throwing on my SCBA in under 60 seconds. I really have loved this class!
I decided my plans for this summer. I will be working A LOT both at the brewery and at the Hilltop. In fact, M-Th Lang (schedule to be determined) Th night: Bar 5pm-3am
Fri: Cocktail 6-11, Sat. Bar 5pm-3am Sun. Bar 3pm-12am
YIKES is correct, but I'll be making some bookoo bucks to pay off my car, and save for fall. And when fall comes, I am going to be doing what? Well, that decision is still in the makings.
I finally decorated my living area. I bought over 60 hangars and hung up almost all of my clothes besides a few t-shirts, pajamas and tank tops.
I hung my clothes out to dry OUTSIDE! Yes, that's right it's hot enough here to do that already. Seems weird? Well, that's Montana weather for you. This weekend it's supposed to drop to the low 50's again. But you never know. I so love that crisp smell and feel of line dried clothes!
I planted an herb garden. For this summer when I can actually cook myself a nice dinner because I'm not working the bar every night. I have Dill, Cilantro, Basil, Mint, Chamomile, one silly sunflower! As soon as I go into town and come back I'll be able to finally post pictures and show you some fun stuff...
I cleaned up puke way too many times. Once at the bar last night and twice yesterday morning. Ian came over to watch movies and around 1am I fell asleep. A couple of hours later I was awakened by such an unnerving sound. The sound of my boyfriend Puking his guts out in the bathroom! So, the kind loving girlfriend I am, went in to help him only to have the door slammed in my face. He was embarrassed and didn't want me to see him that way, but after the third time, he got over it. So, I got him into my bed, and put a bucket next to him, a cold compress on his neck and crackers and water and sprite on the floor if he needed any of it.
I was kissed my some drunk last night. He and his brothers and niece were in after going to a wake and they were partying pretty hard. I was in the back getting the mop wet and he came up behind me and spun me around and kissed my lips. I was so stunned that I didn't know what to say, so I said, "Stuart, please don't ever do that again." He's the one that pucked 10 minutes later in the men's bathroom...STUART , Please don't ever do that again either! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
I went tanning again. I love tanning! 10 minutes under the fake sun will make up for the grey drearyness of Montana in spring time. But, the suprising factor was the sun came out in full force the day after and has stayed with us ever since. Maybe I won't need the fake bake anymore?!
I admitted to myself that it's time I got my ass in shape again. I think it needs to become more than just a yearly deal. It needs to become a lifetime deal! And for reals, I had this strange like goal thing in mind. I haven't made clear sense of it yet, but I will let you know when/as I do.
I watched 12 episodes of Alias. I love that show and have to finish season 4 by the time season 5 comes out, so I can watch it and start season 6 all near the same time. I wish they'd at least give us a week before the new season starts when they release the prior season.
I am now boring even myself so if you made it this far, you must really love me or be super bored yourself. Maybe something more clever will come to me soon. Til then, live. love. and let go.
Friday, April 21, 2006
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1 comment:
K ~
You are not boring. You rock.
It's after midnight.... in less than 12 hours my house goes on the market. Chris and Caris are asleep & I'm doing "last minute details"... (a.k.a. shove the rest of the crap in drawers so the pictures can be taken)
Have a great weekend..
Love ~ M
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