I spend at least 30 hours a week at the bar and I've taken a new approach to giving my customers the best service possible. Smile and don't let them bug me. YES! And it's working.
My skin is getting thicker as my heart stays soft. I can have both. And I have a protector of my heart. He says he'll be the castle while I stay soft inside. He's wonderful!
I spend 40 hours a week at the brewery and I love it.

We do a lot of physical labor and my back, arms and legs feel it.
And I am learning so much about business that it sometimes makes my head spin.
And I am learning about production and numbers and every part of the brewing process from botteling to kegging to cleaning to brewing to transfers to retail. It's a whirlwind but I love it. And I am working with my friend Alesha and she makes things pretty great. And Bradley. What can I say about this tall drink of water. He makes me laugh. We have amazing chemistry and he's a great boss. Well, I'm his boss in some ways, but more over he's mine. He knows more than I do when it comes to the running of this place. I try to remind him of that and stroke his ego whenever I possibly can. NO...it's honestly a great working environment. Pardon, Head Band Man...he's the type that you can't get to stop talking about nonsense or whatever he's talking about no matter how hard you try. But, lately I just giggle and laugh at his hilarity.
I have two kittens that lay around my head at night! Their full names are Todd Hopper Hops and Barley Malt'O Meal Scooterhead. I will post pictures as soon as I can. They are beautiful and I cannot imagine the day that is coming sooner than I want when I have to bring them up to the brewery cause my mean land lord won't let me have indoor pets. I could keep them outdoors, but they are so little right now.
My heart is learning about commitment. I love Montana and the fresh look at life I get daily. I watch people slowly learning to accept change and I am reminded and encouraged to welcome change more and more daily. I see this change in some. I see it changing him and I hear him saying things my heart has only longed to hear. And yet, it's right where it should be. No more. No less. And I am busy. But, I am open. I look around me and I see such different things. So different than anything I have ever known in my own world. It's not beautiful like in the DR where my world was nastalgic. I am looking at my world through more adult eyes. Through eyes that have been opened by love and by reciprication. These things I see are hard to see. They are weird to see.
I am a part of my present. Very much so. I see Jesus seirously Rocking the world of one who means so much to me I cry. I watch in awe. I listen and I get to teach. I get to share honestly about who the trinity is. I get to see the opening of someone elses eyes. And the beauty of prayer. His. Not mine. His prayers are precious. They are SO real.
I am looking at buying some property. Putting down roots. It takes me about 3-6 months to feel normal in a place and now that I am here, normality is mine. The mundane and the beauty of it. And I long to settle here. To find a place and call it my own. I have my little apartment with a great big kitchen and space to make beautiful food. I love cooking for myself and friends. But the dining area isn't mine. It's George's. I want my own space. To celebrate with friends. To create crafts. To decorate. To plant my pots. To be the adult I so am. And it will come. With hard work and patience. I really love being an adult. I love that as I watch kids, I remember feeling that way for SO long, longing to be an adult. And maybe I was. Sybil and Jeanne told me once that I was a woman, long before I ever felt like one. But, here, I do. I remember at one time in my life, hearing women talk of fearing their 30's. I look forward to them as I did my 20's. Not having a clue how hard and trying and amazing they would be. But, I sit here...in Montana of all places very much at peace. Very much alive. Very present. And it feels SO good.
I breathe in and I breathe out. And life is with me.
The fire fighting career is going super too. We have our big auction this coming weekend where we pretty much raise all of our support for the year. Here's to it being a banner year!
I fought my very first acutal fire the other day! It was supposed to be a garage fire, but it turned into a car fire. That's about all I can say about that, due to laws, but it was way cool! The adreniline was pumping, the heart along with it and my respect for my chief grew in leaps and bounds. I feel very blessed to be a fire fighter and look forward to what's next in that area. EMT stuff: coming soon at a training station near me!!
Mom is getting a puppy and I have to post it here....

I miss these people more than I can say...and others that I don't have pics of, but wanted to put some pics on here. Fun...yes.

Ok..that's probably enough.
Just hoping that you and yours are feeling loved...feeling at peace and really, more than anything...just feeling!
k..over and out.

I added a couple more after I used my crazy mind to find some more pics. Oh the internet and it's joyous fun!
You should have a contest to see who can name the most people you've included in your photos. I've got 3 or 4... and I ADORE that photo of Josh.
yeah! you found a photo of me!!!
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