Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I miss being able to call over 10 friends for dinner and having someone be able to meet me no matter what. Here, I have maybe 3 to call.

I miss Emmett's friends and our beer. I miss drinking Guinness with Jay anywheres. Period.

I miss Chicago Cubs and WGN and my brothers.

I am sad that I thought a package came from someone and it was from someone else and no note was included. Bad choices sometimes lead to consequences.

Oh bother...I'm off to hang out and drive home with Tyler...a very cute boy in Marion with beautiful brown eyes(he refers to them as shit brown) and teddy bear cheeks and nice lips, 6'1" around 220 lbs. And he's my new friend!
What is it about the tall dark and handsome ones? The answer is something I'd love to spend the rest of my life figuring out.


Anonymous said...

Keep your head up.
Say it with me now, oil of olay...
Oooillla of OOlaaaya

Anonymous said...

10 of your friends miss you, and your cooking, too!

What is life without bad choices? At least the party was fun (wink).