Monday, December 04, 2006

another reason I LOVE MONTANA

ANYONE can perform a marriage ceremony in this state. Yes, it's true, any person you feel fit to
Solemnize your wedding may do so. And so, here's a fun story to go along with my reason.

One Friday night, about 2 months ago I was bartending as usual when an unusual question came my way.

"Uh, Kristen, Is the power vested in you?" Nick asked with his wonderfully hicked out drawl.

"Well, kinda Nick. What are you talking about?" I questioned back.

"Well, uh, we were uh, wonderin' if you, yeah ya know, uh have the ability to marry people." (I shut my eyes)

"Yeah, Kristen, we were wondering if you would like to marry us December 2nd?" Loretta chimes in at oh such an appropriate time.

Humbled and amazed, with shivers running up and down my spine, I replied, "I would love to!"

So, this past Saturday at 2:00 in the afternoon, I performed a beautifully simple ceremony celebrating what God had already done in the lives of my two friends Nick and Loretta and joining a family together with a ring of promise to Loretta's daughter Page. It was one of the most truly incredible moments of my life. So, here's a few pics...enjoy! (click them to see more, or just scroll down to view what's here)

A real Montana weddingA real Montana wedding
What a radiant bride!
You may kiss your bride!!!You may kiss your bride!
Meet the new family.The new family


Megan said...


How cool is that! What an honor.

Add it to life's blessings.... and a story to tell your own kids about someday.

How are you? Just thinkin' about you.


Jackie R. said...

VERY COOL! WOW. How cool - thanks for sharing.

Kristenanne said...

Thanks girls...It sure was!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so exciting. Do you think you'll get to do it again for another Montana couple someday soon? You should list yourself on so that people can find you easily.