Thursday, January 04, 2007

# 27

Tia: "Kristen, I have kind of a silly question to ask you."

Kristen: "What is it?"

Tia: "Do you want to go to the Monster Truck show with me next weekend?"

Kristen: "Um, YES, totally! I heard it on the radio and was like, uh I soo want to go but was like, shoot, who will want to go?"

Tia: "I was thinking the same thing, and then you immediately came to my mind. But I got nervous. Let's totally take the truck and go!"

Kristen: "I am so excited. This is my very first MONSTER TRUCK SHOW!!!"

And this my friends is just one more reason I love living in Montana. # 27 to be exact. I'm making a list. Come visit. It's great!


Anonymous said...

I need to know the first 26 entries on the list. Please.

I called you- call me back!!


Sweetpea said...

So, when I come visit... (which needs to happen soon) will you take me?