Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Classes, classes and more classes

So, I started my EMT Basic class in January and so far I love it. I am fascinated by the possibilities of being able to provide pre hospital care for someone, so much in fact, I'm talking to my prof about the Paramedic program. When I was little I always wanted to be a doctor, but when it came to Biology and pretty much every science class I took in High School, although an Honor Student, I was like, YUCK...I don't like Science.
Well, ya know what. 13 Years graduated, I like Science now...go figure. Anywho, so maybe that's a path I'll explore more, but for now, I am learning as much as I can about the Basics and committing them to memory and practice.

I also enrolled in a Dreamweaver 8 Web Design class through the college online so that I can develop a better website for Lang Creek. It began today and it should be interesting. Maybe someday soon, I can make my blog prettier as well with the HTML I'm learning.

Last but not least, The boy and the kittyTyler , is taking
Fire Fighter 1 and it's cool because it's making me remember so much and helping teach him a couple of things. See, he's pretty amazing at like the things I don't know so he's always teaching me something. NOW, it's my turn.

Anywho....that's where I've been. Studying and teaching and living life in my cabin in the woods with my kitty's and my boy and his dog. How's life for you? Love reading blogs and catching a glimpse.
Kristen over and out to study some more

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