Tuesday, May 22, 2007

do you know times when you just know that you know?

Well, today is one of those times. I know this girl. She's my co-worker. And things lately have taken a new turn with her. She is living a life of freedom for the first time and it's scary and fun to watch. She asks a lot of questions and seeks a lot of advice, but it's fun to see her figure things out on her own. She is being empowered by truth. Truth that is saturating her being. And it all happened one night because God said "SPEAK. Don't hold back the words which I have gifted you to say to people to remind them that they are my children whom I love." SO I told her, she's worth more. And it broke the damn. Oh holy Jesus, it sure did.

I remember times in my life when this has happened for me. The damn breaking. One more layer coming peeled away. I also remember blogging about it one time. About not knowing what I should do, not being able to trust, but knowing what Jeff or Eve or Anne or Sue or Nick or Nathan or any # of mentors I have had in the past would do in my situation. It made things not so blurry. It's the same thing here. I see it! The new little butterfly is coming out of her cocoon not knowing how to fly, so she looks at me flying. I am amazed at the feeling it is to not feel responsible for someone's growth but humbled and greatful for being a part of the blessing. Feeling like I am doing what it is that God created me to do. Manifest his glory to the world through my very unique Kristenness. And watching as my co-worker allows her "ness" to shine through. Praise the Almighty for change. For every day our mercies being made new. For His glory shining all over the earth. Amen.


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