Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Ty and I cut down our tree this weekend and the house is now almost completly decorated! It's the first time I've shared a tree with a boy. Firsts...at 30! I cried a lot this weekend, thinking of my family. Missing decorating the tree with my mom...but the boy did such a great job at being what I needed. He said quite a few amazing things this weekend that helped to center my soul. I love that about relationships and getting to know each other better. A person can speak right to the part of you that is mourning and comfort you. That type of connection was what I was missing. Years of doing something together with the same people. But, making new memories, changing, it happens and can be magnificant. It makes me very pleased to see balance in such clear ways in my life. In other news...I finally get to speak of some exciting news. My mom has been dating a wonderful guy for about 2 months now. His name is Tom and they are coming to visit us in January! I can't wait to meet him. He's making my mom super happy and that is the greatest deal ever.
It's supposed to snow all week and this Sat. I will be having a sledding party with a lot of the local towns folk as well as the kids! I cannot wait...it's WINTER!!!

P.S. How do you like the new look. Christmasy? Trying to find something better. Maybe katelynn can make me a new banner? Changed my links as many have fallen by the way side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Change..
Go Mimi
Go Mimi
Go Mimi
Go Mimi....