Monday, December 03, 2007

I live for little moments like that

when your heart aches so deeply because of connections you have made with another human soul.

Nicholas turned 4 yesterday and it is one of the most fun nights I have ever had with my family and my love. We laughed so hard it hurt my belly. And then when we got home...Ty said, I know what you mean now when you say it hurts sometimes to hang out with your family.I want to have children of our own soon...and watching them grow up and playing together and loving them TOGETHER.

I live for
little moments
like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've found something you've been looking for. Congrats on growing, loving, & learning. You always deserve to have that & so much more. Good luck with your future & everything that God grants you.

And then,