Have you seen that new commercial for American Express or Visa lately? It has the song that goes along with my title in it. And lately, I can't get it out of my head. So, I thought I will blog on it. And after last night, it is an easy task. one of my favorite things about Christmas is christmas pagents. Last night was my oldest nephews 1st ever Christmas pagent. Michael is in kindergarten and goes to a catholic school here in Montana. It's great to hear him say how cool it is to learn about God while at school. It's been incredible to watch him grow in wisdom and stature. And last night I giggled as I watched him play with his friends and sing twinkle twinkle little star. I never thought of it in the Christmas sense. "Twinkle Twinkle little star..." "...And a star appeared in the east..." But they used it that way last night in the pagent and I loved it. As I sat there I watched girls almost bust as they tried so hard to sing and not make each other laugh and remembered my 7th grade christmas concert. Jack and I were in the back row and along with Joe, Ryan and Libby Randall and the lot of us almost all got in so much trouble. I recall strangely Jack's face turning a strange color of red, and him sweating so badly it made us all laugh hysterically.
But for me, laughter at serious times is pretty common. My sister and I have been doing it for years. And in the worst places too, church especially. And it was catching. Poor Erica. Back in jr. high she and I were the acoloades at church. You know the ones that light the candels before the service begins. Anywho...almost every sunday we had to sit up in front of everyone and try our darndest not to crack up. The truth is, it really was Mrs. Kings fault. She was this lady who sang in our church choir and she was one of those open mouthed singers. And when I say open mouthed I mean as wide and large as her mouth would go would be the amount she opened it when she sang. And out would come this operaic(is that a word?) sound. So, I would copy her to make Erica smile. But then, she would smirk and giggle just the faintest bit and off it went. The non-stop masking of laughter. And seriously folks it almost became an epidemic one Sunday. We weren't up in front, this Sunday my family sat by the Metz family who sat by the Arnesen's who sat right behind the Fabers. And what do you know? Laura and her sister Carrie, my sister and myself and Erica all had the can't hide it-don't fight it- non-stop-abounding from the inside giggles that morning. I think each of us got "THE LOOK" from our moms and dads at least 10 times, but nothing would stop it. I almost chocked once which didn't help things because once you see someone try to not laugh, and choke...the automatic response is to laugh.
But, thank God I've grown up.
Honestly, not really. I'd be lying to you if I said in our thirties Kate and I are any better. We can barely sit through an entire chruch service and not giggle at least once. Last night, thank goodness it was permitted. Everyone was cheering and giggling. And that my friends is the long story of why Christmas pagents are one of my favorite things...you get to laugh in church.
Friday, December 14, 2007
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