Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i have some exciting news...
tyler just gave me the plans, the drawings, the layout for our new home!
it will be a little cabin in the woods with a barn type of roof and a covered porch.
this one will have plumbing
and electricity
and windows
and a wood stove as well as electric heat for necessary moments
like when tyler comes home and has been in the freezing cold all day and cannot get warm.
he can shower and be warm because the other heat has kept our house warm all day long.
what joy!
i am super excited about this. we will be breaking ground as soon as the first thaw happens.
it's going to be on 4 1/2 acres and not visible from the road or his dad's house. right smack in the middle of the trees. With a drive way that isn't so steep that one can take his or her car/truck/automobile up and down it to and fro any day of the year as long as we plow and don't have 4 feet dump over night. Could happen. Never know.
so...besides needing to find work, and saving and planning for school...that's life. and life is good.
I love moving forward!


Anonymous said...

Are you all married? I din't know you lived together.

Anonymous said...

who asked that?

Kristenanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristenanne said...

anon: nope not married and yup, we do live together. I promise when we get engaged, whomever you are, whomever reads this, will know. It will be a very big announcment!
Hope you are well anon!

And to my loyal puppy dog! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I aint cher puppy dawg. shhheeeet.

Kristenanne said...

no u's ain't...u's my guard dog. Grrrr!!!