Friday, March 07, 2008

some diddys for today

the mystery of why has been setteled many times over.
and yet,
the absence of his voice rumbling through my head is startling.
Perhaps, it's pleasing?
maybe just maybe
it is what I wished for.
It is utterly fabulous!
maybe just maybe
it is my worst fear.
Is it drastically disturbing?
Most likely, it is
at the same time.

AHHHH thoughtful word, you!

he was once a coward.
with his tail between his legs.
but hope, she brought him courage.
and courage, he gave him wings.
and wings, they took him so very many places
and places, they took him from me.

thank you places.

the healing part of loss can sometimes hurt the most.
and the day you wake up and realize that it's gone is a most remarkable day.
something that was forever just a part of you,
is no longer.
and something you almost came to depend upon,
is gone.
the loss teaches us to adapt well and hope allows us to
move on, love well, forgive and remember the lesson, not the hurt.

i believe it can be.
i believe he is.
i believe it is.

today the blossoms eagerly wait to become buds
life reveals that it is not yet time
passionatly I set out to awaken my spirit.
my soul is inflamed with much to be shared and
given away.

"today is the day of recogning!"



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