Thursday, May 29, 2008

what should I call my future salon/spa?

that's the question I keep having people ask me or some form of that question.

What ya think?
Some already suggested names:
"Soon the whole world will be silky smooth" by Kiki
kuts by kiki...kiki by design...kiki's kaleidescope (we offer a colorful range of services...)
kiki's kastle (feel like a princess here!)
kiki's dream salon (where all your beauty fantasies come true)...
I think Kiki's Hair-port would be the best.

I could see it now. A white plastic sign, a strip mall store front, next door to a liquor store.
Kiki's Hair-port. Home of the best Jheri curl for White people ever!

I'd totally get my hair done there.
Kiki's Hair Palace.
Kiki's Hair Emporium.

I can't wait to see what the blog world comes up with. You can use Kristen too, Kiki is not the end all be all people.

Other names that come up -
- Shade
- Mirr-Ahj (elongate the Ahj... play on words... like a mirage)
- Sha-Twa-Ka (for the fun of it)
- Es Suez (sounds foreign, but what does it mean? I don't know)
- Booshie Tooshie (It Rhymes at least?)
- Play Style
- Style Play
- Trim Da Fat (kind of like a your full head of hair is fat or something. I bet it wouldn't be a winner with most women.)
- Style
- We Bring Da Funk (WBDF)
- U Got Da Noise

Ok that's all I have for now... a little tapped out... Hey wait... tapped out? No, silly. That would be a bar name. "J"
Or go totally the opposite direction and name it something funky, esoteric, and pretentious. So...basically something French.

Salon is a french word anyway.

So, how 'bout:
Salon Bijou=??
Salon du Kiki
Le Poisson=The Fish

Ah...forget it.
Just go with

Not Kiki's.
Just Kiki.

Simple. Elegant.-nathan

1 comment:

... said...

Whoa, crazy. Do you read Go Fug Yourself? They JUST had a great idea for a salon name.... read it


When I was choosing a name for my business (Anjali, LLC) I checked the internet, i.e. I put the name in a search engine just to see what came up. You may (or may not) be interested in a Google image search for "kiki" (BUT DON'T DO IT AT WORK).

Just looking out for you!