Tuesday, August 05, 2008

And then, there is that...

I cannot wait to have a laptop so that I can communicate online whenever and from wherever I roam. I moved out of Ty's parents house and now I am a wanderer. For the time being at least. I crash at different friend's houses and my dad's cabin and most of my clothes are in my car. Well, my dad's car. Because my car is awaiting a new starter.
Ty and I have had many wonderful discussions lately and we decided we are going to take a step backwards and date. The pressure that was a little much for where we are at. I sometimes forget to take my time. I like jumping. I like spontanity. But this choice, this decision, is a good one.
I start hair school Sept. 8th and I can't wait.
The only feeling I can really gather from where I am at, is empowered. And it's amazing type of feeling. May it remain for the next year.
Perhaps that's what year 31 of life will be all about?!?!?!

How's life in your world Blog peeps?


Anonymous said...

15 days & counting, where have you been? No internet in the car? Does Ty know about us last week?

Kristenanne said...

you play with me you silly anonymous person you.