Thursday, May 07, 2009

so long farwell

avedienrsshane your shiza.

yeah, spelling never was my forte. Lately I've been listening to angry music from 2003 era to let go of some pent up frustrations. I write about it often but forget to bring it with me to the library. (where's that help boys?)

I have blue extensions in my hair and I must say I look like a freakin' rock star. Blue is my new favorite color. It used to be pink, but times they are a changing. My friend Jesse said it looks like a smurf peed on my head and went around all day whistling the smurf theme song. It was HILARIOUS!

I love my girls at school. It can be a bit, ok way overwhelming at times having 25-50 girls around at all times, BUT most days I love it. There is a bond, that womanly bond that takes place. I have two very special girls that I love with another edging her way into my heart daily. Lisa, Brandi and Kayla(the edger).

The one with me is Brandi. She and I are headed to Vegas together in June for a hair show. We won the UpDo contest together and will be partners for the one June 1st. We don't plan on losing that one either, but ya never know.
Lisa is my young 18 year old whom I have had the pleasure of talking to about so many deep subjects my head could spin. She makes me giggle and is my co-hort in making school a better place to be. Including easter eggs with candy and positive messages in them. Just wanted you to see a bit of my world blogger type people out there.

I will have to start taking more pictures soon.
Spring is here/summer approaches. I can't wait!

Gotta get to some laundry and a glass of vino with Jessica my roommate.

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