Friday, June 18, 2010

Love more

"No matter what happens in life, there’s always something left to love, and the love that remains is always stronger than anything that goes against it."
Dan Baker PhD

I just read a couple of pages from this man's book called, "What happy people know" which we given to me by my Sue. Blown away by the brain talk and loving it, I read on. When I came upon this part of this chapter I had to stop and begin writing myself.

"When I was young, I once complained to my mom that a woman I was head over heels in love with didn’t feel as strongly about me. I’ve always remembered what she said. She told me that no two people ever love each other the same—and that whoever loves the most is the lucky one."

I have been learning a lot about changing ones perspective. Changing ones words when talking to your soul/self. Thought life, etc. And this, my friends is mind blowing. Why you ask, Kristen, is this mind blowing? This is mind blowing because it changes my perspective in a three sentence paragraph. A perspective that I have held onto for many years and one that has not been uplifting or insightful in any way. A perspective and words that have haunted me for a very long time.

Lately, I feel like my soul is being validated in many many amazing ways. Here's one:

The story:
many moons ago, I dated a man who told me one night, "someone always loves more." Now, there isn't much harm in that statement alone, but when you take it and hold it up to the 21 year old girls mind and the fact that she was the one who was loving more in this realtionship and ended up getting hurt by this relationship, it means a lot. It was a wound. A deep wound that felt like it kept repeating itself for a long time.
Now, not to say or declare that these relationships were healthy functioning good "persay" relationships, but that's really not the point here.

The point is, that for some reason, when I loved more, I continued to see it as a bad thing. There are parts of it as the years have gone by and I have hindsight on each of these relationships, where I can see the unhealth on my own part and why I was sometimes loving too much for the wrong reasons, but all in all...the love, wasn't a bad thing. The parts that were good and real and true, were that. Good. One of the reasons I continued to see them as bad was because I thought that loving more meant I was always going to get hurt. And this hurt me. But, from that quote I am the lucky one. And I have known this in parts and pieces and it's not like this is a light bulb first realization of sorts. This is more like the rest of onion. A layer that has been exposed to the truth. Another piece that has been healed.

And those that love much are lucky! They are happier. Even in the midst of sadness. I have known many great loves in only 32 years of life and today, I am grateful for each of them, the ones where I loved more, the ones where I loved less, for all have been an education and a chance to grow.
As I journey towards learning to love better all around, myself, others, God...I pray that my eyes are wide open to see every opportunity to do so!

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