Wednesday, October 20, 2004

blog blah

"I've been feeling kind of restless. I've been feeling out of place. I want to know the ending, things hoped for but not seen, but I guess that's the point of hoping anyway." ~a woman I wish was my dear and personal friend, Sara Groves

He called me dear.
He calls me sweetie.
He calls me beautiful.
But, he rarely calls.

i think the randomness in me is stirring to come out. I've been writing and writing and writing everything down I can think of and this is the best advice my creative writing teacher ever gave me. Don't stop yourself...don't edit right away. Just write. SO today and last post are just that. This. my thoughts. My writing.
I want to give a shout out of my Omaha friends...Yeah you know who you are. I miss you today lots.
I got to talk to the H last night. Oh my grown up little ment, so proud of you am I. You professional you.
the topic of validation sits heavily on my mind today. Why do we need it? And is the stem of it brokeness? I need to hear often that someone out there agrees with my thoughts or at least that my mind isn't leading me astray. Hmmm...something to ponder. What are your thoughts on this?
Random mind before going to see Garden State. I wonder, is this the best "state" of mind to be in? Nicky's about to call...I need to head out of here and on to the rest of my day.
By the way, did I tell you I smell like old stale coffee? Oh *$'s how I love thee...
My two jobs make me smell like old stale beer and coffee? I need to shower...oh and I died my hair. It's dark brown, purple, carmel and blond. I look pale. Maybe someday soon, I'll take a pic and learn how to post it on here. then we can all comment on the doo. Love to everyone. peace oooouuuttt!!

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