Saturday, December 11, 2004


It's that time of year...prepare yourself for Christ's coming.
And this year I am at a loss. Simply because I find myself aching inside. Aching to connect and speak of such things. Aching for worship and teaching. Aching to connect with my deepest desire...JESUS. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your mind. JOY. LOVE. PEACE. HOPE. Lighting a wreathe. Or doing a reading of the Christmas story. The census. The travels to Bethlehem. The sheperds. The angels. The star. The manger. All of it holds a bit of nastaglia for me. Childhood memories. MOSAIC. A storytelling retreat in Nebraska and the blasphmis(sp?) re-enactment of Luke 2:1-7 by Nathan and myself. Dad. Mom. Receiving gifts. Student Impact and the GIFT. I haven't given myself anytime to really consider any of it until today. My dear old friend Nathan Clair has written down some thoughts that took me away. He helped to open my heart to asking questions about this time of year. The words opened my ears to hearing what God is saying to me. The things I heard opened my soul to let God dwell and I wanted to take a moment to share his writings with you. on this link and be awakened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

robyn here ...

it's been strange for me to experience christmas ever since i left mosaic. i haven't really thought about it until this point, but maybe it's got something to do with it. christmas has been hard for me in general, but i think not having community around, not being able to participate in tradition, things like this make a difference ...

i feel that ache too, but have been learning that the more i am able to make my own traditions, or re-learn how to be part of the old ones, the ache dissipates at least a little.