Saturday, January 15, 2005

The heat is on

This is my new banner,designed by my bff Katelynn Pace. Isn't she wonderful!?!?!!!! Sad part is, I can't figure out how to put it where it belongs. Oh, I may just be switching to typepad soon. dog had puppies...
go check them out at

They aren't old enough yet to have fun pictures...and if only I could send you the pic my dad sent me...gross! It's of Koke's swollen ass teets. But, hey it's all a part of the miracle of birth. Speaking of biology and animals though, our kitten is offically in her first cycle of heat. And on Monday will be getting nudered. TEAR...
But, here's the crazy part. Have you ever seen a cat in heat? it's insane. We have clearly all gone backwards in our maturity as the three of us (jen, viv and I) almost pissed ourselves last night watching her do her thing.
Izabella is normally a very easy going, fun loving kitten. She's gorgeously colored black with white paws and underneath she's also white. Her favorite thing to do is play with her little mouse and likes to spraw out on our couch near the window taking her morning and afternoon naps. BUT lately, it's all about the noises. Every 10 seconds she mews. And the mews are followed by insane hip movements where she almost dislocates them by presenting her "area" to the world. I mean it's almost worth taking a picture of if you've never seen it. And she does this constantly. She our little slut! And it's almost pornographic to see.
Jen's mom, the halarious woman that she is, suggested we just "stick a q-tip up there to maybe help alleviate some of her aches and needs!"
Oh Bella, poor girl. How long does this God wonderful thing last?
Can you imagine if all women walked around with their "areas" presented the way animals do? Or mewed like that all day long while in heat? Jen and I were laughing at some of the ways we possibly resemble our little princess and had to stop ourselves before we got carried away.
The worst of it all is that between her and the new kitty I just got(YEAH!!!) we all are shutting our doors every night. New Kitty is not even named yet and is very very scared. She's a stray and hasn't yet warmed up to us. Actually I need to go home right now and play with her and then be off to work and hanging out with GEOFFERY! YEAH!!!!
Point of this long post...
When the heat is on...keep your "areas" to yourself.

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