Tuesday, January 11, 2005

poetry from days past

crystalized forms of you play with my mind as I sit and I ponder and I watch the crowd die it's the air that I breath as I play in the snow and the tiger inside me that's dying to know where you look, what you feel who's inside is it real can the pain play today or is it hidden away will we dance will we sing can your heart be the thing that opens the door to what's hidden and in store for the masses~ the pit what the fuck's all this shit can I play yesterday and tomorrow delay all the hidden resistance all the masses and crowds do you dream do you wonder if it's all going to drown in my tears in your lies who's your new alibi i don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what’s the dance where’s the fun why’d you hide why’d you run are you sick and is there a chance?
to see shadows and fields and the gold on the hills when the sun fades away is the morning the same with your heart and my lies and the tears in your eyes never shed never led to the table and fed you still ache and you break those around your who take all the heavy filled years over a couple of beers~ where’s the truth in the midst did you ever suggest a plan or a deal it’s entirely to real for my head for my heart for the dearly departed ghosts from my past who linger and last while you talk and you speak all you do is just leak or bleed words from your mouth and your heart it goes south to the nostalgic years over a couple of beers that were waste, drunk in haste and the loneliness faced me straight smack in my mirror it brought forth all the fear from her and from him and from everyone of them from myself and from you and the pain and the rain and the awful delay of the sex and the rest of the deals and the steals of my dreams and of words and the nights where I get myself up into bed with these thoughts in my head dreaming in black and green and blue the colors the colors all for you the creator, the teacher, the lover, the friend till all this is gone~ here is the end


dave said...

Kristen - I came across your blog last night. I enjoyed it. Just thought i would let you know! :)


Anonymous said...

Sharing with us what he knows his shining eyes are big and blue
And all around him water flows this world to him is new
To touch a face to kiss a smile new eyes see no race
The essence of a child he’s born to shimmer born to shine
Born to radiate born to live born to love but we’ll teach him how to hate
And true love it is a rock smoothed over by a stream
And no ticking of a clock truly measures what that means
And this thing we call our time I heard a brilliant woman say
You know it’s crazy how I want to try and capture mine
I think I love this woman’s way the way she shimmers
The way she shines the way she lives the way she loves
The way she never hates sometimes I think of all the shit that can surround me
I know it all as being mine then she kisses me and wraps herself around me
She gives me love she gives me time and I feel fine but time I cannot change
So here’s to looking back I’d drink a bottle of my pride and toast to change
To keep these demons off my back get these demons off my back
Cause I want to shimmer I want to shine I want to radiate
I want to live I want to love I want to try and learn how not to hate
Try not to hate we’re born to shimmer we’re born to shine
We’re born to radiate we’re born to live we’re born to love
We’re born to never hate...

Shawn Mullins

Kristenanne said...

what a song anonymous!
Thanks for sharing it.
Wish I knew who you were,
then we could discuss further.