Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So, the term EMO is thrown around a lot these days and my desire is always to seek understanding. To find out why things are the way they are, what not. So, I did some online research.

Here's a history of the word
Then there is the fashion tips to being EMO
EMO Quiz
So, yeah I came to find out that I am not "EMO" as the music world would put it, but I am a highly emotional. I think my friend Sara refers to our types as something different. I'll have to check with her. ANYWHO...
Emo/girly moment #1
I'm driving in my car and I'm listening to Notting Hill Soundtrack. The last tune on the CD is a intrumental ballad. As I'm listening, I start drifting off into dream land. Thinking about how much I love the way the electric guitar is used to begin the song and when the piano joins you just feel the movement. Then the guitar fades and a classical guitar joins the piano to ;build to the crescendo. Right then in the song, a string set comes in and floods the song with beauty. As I'm thinking all these things, I'm also thinking..."OH MY GOSH. I so want this played at my wedding."
I even start crying.
I start thinking about my pretend wedding one day in the future. The wedding that I don't even have a boyfriend to think about such things with wedding. The oh how cute or how old are my nephews going to be when I FINALLY get married, wedding. The Woah, look how beautiful Kate and Katelynn and Megan and Steph and HP and Jill will look!!!!, wedding. The halriously little girlish dream of a wedding yet swirled with touches of creation/nature, sophistication and trendy fru fru stuff wedding.
And I laughed to myself as I cried. And I listened to the song one more time to get a really good cry in. (cause sometimes you just need one of those) And I laughed again at my emotional self and smiled.

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