I began giggling with glee and then thought, how silly "we" adults become. Kids will be kids, right!? And then I thought,"is this one of the first stages of independent thinking for this child?" A downright disobedient act that proves to her mind that she has the last say or is this just a child really wanting badly to wet her tounge on the pure(not really) white snow? Doesn't every child eat glue or paste or their own boogers or dirt or snow? And then it led me down a path where I was amazed at how our immune systems really do protect us from harmful things. As a child I never considered the consciquences of my actions. But now I think, shoot, should she have eaten that snow? What could be in it? With knowledge comes responsibility. With responsiblitly comes more knowledge. Will I let my kids eat snow or will I tell them no? Will my children listen to me or will they sneak behind my back? What kind of kid was I? What kind of adult am I? What is different in the way I act towards authority and "rules" now than when I was a child? And I laughed again...not a whole lot has changed. I still bend the rules. Speeding...perfect example. Everyone does it you say? Well, yes. But isn't the speed limit to keep me safe? What are rules that are their in place for our safety and what ones are made to be kept?
The moral of this story is:
Kristen really should study Psychology and Eat lots of snow, except the yellow kind!

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