Monday, March 28, 2005

headed west

Friends, family, peeps I don't know...
As soon as I post this, I am jumping in my car and embarking on a journey west.
Today I drive to Iowa and spend time with one miss Kristen Gacaloni. Then tomorrow morning I wake to the sound of Omaha calling my name. Say my name say my name...
I not only get to visit with my best friend and her husband, but then Kate and I take off the following day for COLORADO. Now, last time I was supposed to go, everything went ary. (don't know how to spell that word)
I haven't been back to the place I call heaven on earth in so long, I cannot remember what the mountains even look like. We will be spending two days in Denver with kate's other best friend Lindsey Lou and then heading to Colorado Springs where we will partake in "the most random retreat ever" with several wonderful people.
just to name a few.
I look forward to this week with all of my soul. I need a vacation. I need to breathe some fresh mountain air and go on a trip down memory lane. I need to be with a community of people that speaks truth, knows grace, extends love and grants time. Radius is a community that does this and I look forward to updating after returning. May you enjoy the first signs of spring and may your heart be as always, surrendered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go, and don't look back,
and then
you will be happy.

Have a great journey,
and then
you will be revived.

Drive Safe.

and then,

and then.