Wednesday, March 09, 2005

it just makes sense

there comes a time in life when things just start to click. When your actions are meeting up with what you want. And you make decisions that send you towards your goals and hopes and dreams. And you make not the best decisions but there is knowledge that it wasn't the best choice. Right away. It's just as important because, you made one and you learned from it. Isn't that what life is all about? Learning...and wisdom. To not repeat the past but gain something from it and hopefully improve upon it. To move around the wheel of transformation and be changed. So, today I sit overly aware of how greatful I am for the gift of life and growth and one other thing, relationship.

I have connected a lot lately with important people in my life, and as silly as it sounds, it's so important to me. To have deep connections. And for a time there, they were missing. Not missing per say, but more misfiring. It wasn't a bad time for me, but it was different and it changed me. I became less dependent upon others and more sure of Kristen. All of me.
So, I talked to my sister for like 2 hours the other night, and like 30 minutes yesterday. I LOVE THAT WOMAN~ to have a friend in someone that knows your family, that knows you for real, since you were born. INCREDIBLE~ And I'm going to see her for Easter and I get to spend time with my nephews. OH MY GOSH, I can't wait!
And I've been talking a lot with Katelynn. And we're going to Colorado together! Oh the mountains call my name and I am swept up in the vastness of their glory. I haven't made up my mind about anything yet.
And my mom and I are back on a good level. I'm having dinner with her and T and Hoser tonight at my work!!!
Jason and I had so much fun last night at the Curragh. We went crazy on the taboo bar topic of religion and death. It was amazing! Two friends pouring out their sould trying to figure out what the heck things are all about. And over a Guiness or Two~ who could ask for more?

So, the sun is shining. I have the whole day off. Laundry is getting done. The windows are open....LET THE SUNSHINE IN....I dusted and am doing some spring cleaning. Taxes are in. Schools are being chosen. The cats are sniffing at the cool breeze outside and aching as I am for SPRING to arrive. WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY! Thank you almighy creator who gives and takes away and who always deserves praise.

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