Wednesday, March 02, 2005

making a decision

Last night I went out with women from my work and I was overwhemled by the power I felt to take my life and run with it. It's so cliche to even write it down, but I did. Because I know the power of writing things down and looking at them daily. I made a decision last night. I decided things like, Kristen, you can have the life you want. You, make choices each day that either bring you closer or further away from your desires. BUT, You can do it! You can be all you want to be! You are an incredible woman who can live an abundant life! Just choose life. Positive feedback from myself to encourage my heart to continue down the path towards my deepest desires.
I am reading a book that has helped me to understand myself even more than before. It's guiding me and giving me helpful hints on how to overcome some of the things that are really hard for me in life. I am making decisions that make me very happy. Pushing towards my goals...and today, I feel very in touch with my Father. The one who looks out for me, my papa. My companion that's been through it all. My Jesus. And my guide, the ms. in the trinity if you will(thanks Sworely). My helper and friend, the Holy Ghost. And the future's so bright...I gotta wear shades.


Anonymous said...

"things are going great & there only getting better, I'm doing all right getting good grades.....
So what book are you reading? & its good to see you post some positives, keep your head up.

Was getting worried you hadn't posted in quite a while.

Kristenanne said...

It's called "the life you were born to live" a guide to the thirty-seven pathways of life and how to find yours by Dan Millman