Monday, March 14, 2005

Tivo: the perfect love story

I have a new relationship. His name is Tivo. And I am in love. I watched a Sex in the City episode just yesterday about this similar topic. I woke this morning so happy and full of good feelings. See, Tivo meets a lot of my needs. He's able to give me programs that I cannot watch normally because I am not home. But this morning me an tivo, hit a classic bump in our newly formed relationship: communication breakdown!
I had prescribed to the season pass for one of my favorite shows, Extreme Makeover Home Edition on Sunday nights. So, last night, Tivo did his thing and taped it. He did what he thought he was supposed to do, the thing is, it was a 2 hour special. BUT, Tivo isn't responsible. I mean in all good relationships, if you don't speak your needs, they cannot be met. Tivo can't read my mind. See, it doesn't know what you don't program it to know. How sad and disappointing that the 2nd half of the show is now lost in tivospace! Next time I must look ahead...try to anticipate my needs better and give Tivo as much information as possible. Then our relationship shall blossom. Here's to the future and growth!!!!!

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