Sunday, April 10, 2005

Home sweet home

I'm back in Chicago. Two days now. Went back to work yesterday and closed the bar. It's weird when you drive down the streets you know so well and think to yourself...I won't be living here much longer, better enjoy these. The streets? Yes, even the streets that I know in Chicago are comforting.
Here's some insight into my brain...
THINGS I WAS GLAD TO BE BACK DOING: slinging drinks with Rob, chattin it up with regulars like Kristen and Dustin, even seeing Matty Mapes and hanging with my co-workers especially Liane, Rocky and Ray, my routine.
THINGS I MISS NOW FROM MY TRIP: 10707's porch and the people who sat there, the mountains majesty, the feeling of freedom, driving 110 on 80 with my bff beside me, 4 am movies, different smells...
WAS WELCOMED HOME BY: Jay and the Doodle, 4 Pints of Guinness and some great laughter and catching up. My adopted kitten Bella purring at my feet for a belly rub while I sat on the lou.
HAVE TO: do so much laundry I cannot begin to pathom the pile that's growing, Spend some time letting this whole trip settle, make a lot of decisions in the next 8 weeks, take every opportunity to make money, verbally process the ever growing pile of thought running through my mind.

There's truths to be told,
and time to unfold
what will happen next.

Anna Nalick continues to inspire me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey... did you read this month? She is featured. Subter brad did an interveiw with her... check it.