Wednesday, March 28, 2007

For clarifications sake

I have great friends.
In the past 48 hours after 2 voice mails, 3 comments, 4 e-mails and a whole lot of worry, it seems there is some major need for clarification.
First off, my friend Katie Ermilio Pace is alive, well and kicking it in Omaha with her husband, dogs and cats. You can visit Kate here and read about her life.
Second, the woman that I was referring to in my last post was my best friend in high school. Kate Malmen Ford left us 11 years ago when she took her own life. Last Monday was the anniversary of her death and for some reason it hit me really hard. So, in the best way I know how, I mourned by writing/blogging my feelings. I do apologize for making anyone worry about Katie Pace or myself, but am greatful for friends that love me and care so much.

And on an whole different topic, I leave tomorrow for California. Tyler has been working for my dad building him a rental unit, a cabin, a treehouse for Robert(baby brother) and framing in a room for Audrey(step sister). He'll be there a total of 7 weeks so I thought it smart to make his time away from home a little less painful by visiting. We're going to camp on the beach all weekend, play in the sun and sand, have a bonfire and enjoy each others company while horseback riding and livin' it up Cali style! So, I'll update when I get back, perhaps with great pictures.


Anonymous said...

GLAD TO HEAR that everything is alright with you and although this happened some time ago, it is still a loss. I feel sad every year around the time of my Fathers death and while that is still fresh and for completely different reasons, I sympathize with your pain. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how long our loved ones are gone, their spirit and their soul lives on and can still impact us to the point of tears. I'm greatful to feel that strongly for you know it means these people had an impact on your life. Travel well, be well, and enjoy your break. I will see you in a few weeks my good friend.

Love...David (and Tori)

Anonymous said...

My Art Professor had us on your site working on our final. I freaked out when I ran across your blog on Kate Malmen Ford. Please contact me at your earliest convience. You can email me at or Thanks for your prompt attention.