Monday, March 19, 2007

To you

to you
the one who made boys weak in the knees yet never knew the essence of your beauty
i miss your smile

to you
the one who got me into more trouble than i can speak of but was always willing to serve the time or punishment alongside with me and made it fun
i miss our adventures

to you
the one who gave from the depths of her soul but had trouble asking for help
i wish i could have helped you

to you, kate
may your memory be an ever present reminder of joy.
of love.
of the gift of life.


Anonymous said...

I love you, dear one and I am sorry that you have ever had to feel this kind of pain.

Sweetpea said...

dito. I love you very much... and miss you terrible.

- Justin said...

Sorry to play the ignorant one, but who is this and what happened?


N.C. said...
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