Thursday, March 15, 2007

you know you're a red necks girlfriend when....

This past Saturday morning, Ty's all, "come on we've gotta get up and get to town to get clay pigeon's. We're goin' shootin'!"

The next hour changed my life.

We drove up to the lake to an open area where Ty and his dad go shootin and hopped out of the truck. Ty impressed me (nothing new there) with his toss it up and shoot it tricks and then he said it was my turn. So, after teaching me the correct stance, the correct way to hold the 12 guage shotgun, how to load the shells and where the safety and trigger were, he said, "now, shoot it." My first reaction was that it was going to hurt. You always here about how guns kick and for a rooky, I was nervous. But, I really trust Ty, so I took aim and shot. I didn't know what I was shooting at, but it didn't hurt. I didn't hit a damn thing, but I shot it without being scared and that's what counted at that moment. And I loved it...every minute of it from learning to throw pigeons to shooting to learning about scopes and sites and bullets and shells and safety and even how amazing of a time you can have just shooting at silly things.


then I shot a rifle. I shot a 22 and a 17 and I shot really well and now I know that I am not only a red neck's girlfriend, but I am going to be one sexy woman with a gun and hunter's saftey under her belt come opening day of deer season this year. But, wait...gopher season's first, then turkey, then bow. Shoot, now I know why they call this thing a bug.

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