Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hi, it's June 10th in Montana...

and it's snowing. Mother Nature is pulling the wool over our eyes by giving us the belief that it's time to go outside and play, yet, it snowed today. 6 inches. I woke up this morning to Tyler telling me it was snowing, and I'm thinking yeah, like dusting the ground kind of snow. Then, two hours later, he wakes me up after driving all the way to work and back because it's snowing too hard to work outside. I finally drag my lazy butt out of bed, to see this...

And then there was this cool bird...

and now...I'm done bloggin and I'm going home to spend the last 4 days with my boyfriend. THen, I'm off to Alaska. Maybe it won't snow while were there? here's to hopin'!

Check out my flickr site for pics from the last two weeks. A roadin' trip to the woods, the nephews, and Ty's property as it changes. Man, I am going to miss MOntana.

1 comment:

... said...

LMAO. I love you. You are insane, which is a perfect reason why I love you.

Did you misspell MOntana on purpose? Because that's how they say it here... MON-tana.
