Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sometimes a declaration is only words spoken out loud.

Thus it begins. That space between speaking and thinking. Do you dare say what is it that has been plauging your mind for hours? Do you make the statement and let the cards fall where they may?
You know me.
You know the way I think.
Contemplating for hours, cerebrating. Speculating. Trying to decide if I have the courage to speak or if it's even worth mentioning.

Sometimes a declaration is only words spoken out loud.

Void of something more. Cannot be defined. Take the words at face value. Do not add meaning. Communication is not his forte. But there was integrity in his actions and words. Limitations plague his already wounded heart. Excuses plague mine.

Sometimes a declaration is only words spoken out loud.

They can have SO much meaning to the listener. Words...meant to convey a truth or a lie or a half truth.  We want them to be true. We long for the definition to match something we know. Something we trust. Something that just might be real.
We fake it until we make it.
Or it gets broken.

Sometimes a declaration is only words spoken out loud.

A sentiment shared through a surreptitious glance. I'm left utterly confused. For weeks. I stand in my questions allowing them to form a sort of pool around my feet. I wade in the waters of my own possible heart break and I decide to believe.

Sometimes a declaration is only words spoken out loud. 

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