Thursday, November 04, 2004

going going gone...

One bottle of three buck chuck shared between roommates. that 70's show...the bachelor...and Wife Swap. Can you say awesome night? And in the midst of it...vivian is playing with my cell phone rings, laughing. later, "your body is a wonderland" rings through. Do you know to whom that ring belongs? the "X". I was outside enjoying my habit. They almost answered it to say, "what you want bucko?"
I love my roommates...Vivian is a full blooded Puerta Ricana. She loves to sing and dance and make us laugh. She is full of amazing thoughts and shares them frequently...check out her blog @
One thing I love about her is that she knows boundaries well. She and I both work for *$'s and enjoy stories back and forth. She is a Demorcrat and has made some very strong stands in her past including a walk out at her college. What else to much more. SHoot....Will and Grace is one of her favorites. Acting, movies, drama, depth and life are her words. She pronounces words beautifully due to her accent and my favorite is ITALIAN. She uses a "i" as in Icecream instead of an "i" as in igloo. Viv is a Thinker. She's about Ideas and she has such a beautiful way of expressing them*(see blog). We are both N's and don't really get "s's". We laugh a lot with one another and I consider her on my play/serious list of friends. This list is not super this is a total blessing to me to live with such an awesome complex woman.
Jen is so much like me and so not. She's Italian and English decent. (why does this matter?) She grew up in Chicago and has a past to blow your mind. It's about passion and desire and growth and our Jesus. She often refers to "Christ" as "her Jesus." She is a republican and her and Viv are all about respecting one another's views. She is a self-motivated learner and an introvert. So's Viv...wierd that I love living with two Introverts. They like it though, cause i"m always inviting people over and they can choose what to do. BACK TO JEN...
Jen is a fire ball. She has a temper and passion to match any Italian woman, man or dog. She is a deep thinker but, a feeler. a deep feeler. She and I are both diving into our shit together...yet seperately and it's funny to watch the other slip up or grow and see ourself. She's like my friend Katelynn. She is seriously loyal and is yours forever if you earn her trust. Jen's heart for compassion and animals is breath taking. She calls all animals monkey's because they are precious to her everything. I could go on and on and on about these two ladies...I just wanted to introduce them to you all and give a little shout out to last night and the gift of women in my house, my life and my heart. Love you girls....picture to follow soon...I'm finally figuring it out.

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